
Monday, July 18, 2011

Rustom-1 to don the role of short-range UAV; Rustom-H project is officially R-II now

Rustom-1 which has completed all test flights is likely to be used as a short-range UAV by the users. Sources tell Tarmak007 that Rustom-1 (2006-2011) was a technology interface (TI) project for Rustom-H and it has completed all test flights. Among the proven capabilities include: (i) taxi take-off with automatic nose-wheel steering; (ii) extended pilot control for taking the platform to the centre of the runway; (iii) autopilot mode for the flights, including way-point navigation (WPN) and get-you-home features; (iv) redundant Flight Control System, hardware and software and (v) integrated C-Band data-link.
“These proven features have made Rustom-1 a UAV of its own, which the users (Army) are interested to use as a short-range platform,” sources said.
With the Rs 1,500 crore already sanctioned in February 2011 for the Rustom-H project, the DRDO now hopes to have the platform flying latest by 2014 March. “We are confident that the user will fly it as a high-altitude long endurance (HALE) platform,” sources said.
Interestingly, the Rustom-H project will be henceforth called as Rustom-II. This forced name-change was the result of a ‘possible typing error’ by some MoD staff during the fund  sanction phase, early this year. “The sanction came as Rustom-II and we realised what could have gone wrong. Anyways, the first one was called Rustom-I and it suits well to call the next one Rustom-II -- instead of Rustom-H. Just a small name-change and the features will remain the same as envisaged for Rustom-H,” sources said.
What's in a name, after all?