Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) will turn 71 this December going by its initial formation date. Undoubtedly, the backbone of India's military aviation, HAL has stood the test of time. The birth of the new millennium saw the birth of many new players in Indian aviation. They knew that they could do very little to upstage HAL's might all of a sudden. While the Company managed to become a Navratna, what was hurting HAL was its dismal HR policies -- which was world-class on paper and shocking at ground-level. This enabled many private aerospace companies to lure the best brains from HAL. Though, the Company began to recruit large number of freshers (MTs/DTs) from 2005 onward -- probably after a gap of 10 years -- it ran out of ideas to inspire these gen-next engineers, designers and executives. The top management was often fighting to save their chair and in the last one year alone the Company saw some disastrous disturbances at the top. One power-greedy director (HR) Sanjeev Sahi ran way after he was denied the top most many times. Another technical director (now retired) quit twice sighting ill-health (read as harassment) only to be posted as HR head later. And the latest was the MoD's decision to look for a new finance head, forcing the man at the helm to leave. Amidst all this chaos, the current head of HAL Nayak is all set to complete his term on October 31. Going by insides at MoD & PESB -- we are set to witness some exciting turn-around in the next few months. The big question is whether the Company is made to suffer due to the vision-less succession plans of a bunch of selfish babus? Answers to these and more on Tarmak007 with the launch of a new series 'God Save HAL', from Monday, September 5, 2011. The series will initially hover around developments based on the race to the top post -- capturing the good, the bad and the ugly -- as the PESB warms up again to pick the 16th chairman of HAL. In case if you didn't know, the PESB had already postponed the interview to the top-post twice! Let, truth prevail!
(Are you working in HAL? Want to stem the rot? Why not join Tarmak007's campaign by emailing your concerns about the Company to anantha.ak@gmail.com. Ensure that your inputs should be authentic and backed by facts. It's your turn now!)