
Friday, December 9, 2011

Rustom-1completes 8th successful flight with gimbal payload assembly: DRDO

Indigenously-designed and developed Rustom-1 completed its 8th successful flight on December 8. It flew at an altitude of 6000-feet (max) and at a speed of 90 knots (max) during its 30 minutes flight near Hosur, claims DRDO. The highlight of the flight was that Rustom-1 was test flown with the 'gimbal payload assembly carrying daylight TV & Infra-Red camera for the first time. Good quality pictures were received from the camera in gimbal payload assembly.
P.S. Krishnan, Aeronautical Development Establishment Director said the flight was successful as all the systems worked well. He said all parameters were achieved by the aeroplane, which weights 661 kg and the total performance was satisfactory.