
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

FDAJB Invited Talk: BEL to double R&D investment

| By Anantha Krishnan M. | AVIATION WEEK |
Bangalore India | November 16, 2010 |
(This is a backlog update from Aviation Week to Tarmak007)
India’s state-run Bharat Electronics Ltd. (BEL) has announced that it will double its investment in research and development (R&D) activities. The company, which until last year invested 4-5% of its turnover in R&D, is expected to devote 8-10% in the next two years.
BEL’s R&D director, I.V. Sarma, told Aviation Week on Nov. 16 that the additional investment would be made available for critical areas like radars, command and control systems, and electro-optics.
“To oversee the R&D activities, we are planning a technology planning division which would map the available resources in the country,” Sarma added.
He said the change in R&D philosophy focuses on three main aspects: identifying the gap in research, identifying and commissioning product development to match the future requirements of clients with an emphasis on meeting international standards, and boosting India’s technology ownership. To this effect, BEL will also develop a technology ownership program.
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