
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Tracking the Tejas: Weather holds back LSP-5 flight again today

Hyderabad: Despite being cleared by the flight readiness review board and having undertaking the most-tempting high-speed taxi trials (HSTT) a number of times, the maiden flight of the Tejas limited series production (LSP-5) had to be postponed again today (Nov 17). Ruining LSP-5's  sky party in Bangalore was the weather again.
The LSP-5 has been waiting in the wing for more than a week now to kiss the Bangalore skies. This is the 11th test vehicle to joint the flightline of India's light combat aircraft (LCA) program.
"We had prepared the aircrfat ready last night hoping that the weather will clear today. The team was ready even though it is a closed holiday due to Id. Now, we are hoping for the best tomorrow and so that we could fly. Even we had an HSTT today," sources said.
Stay tuned for more updates. Hope the Weather Gods would shift their rain dance venue from Bangalore!
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