
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Tarmac to Tarmak007! The flypast commentry live

The Suryakirans were the first to take off and take posotion to join the party later. The arrival of flypast started with the smallboy formation by AN-32 in the lead and 2 Dorniors by the side. The next was HAL's 2 Intermediate Jet Trainers one painmted in orange and in grey. The next 5-plane Jags were the next which was one sight to watch. 
The most-awaited moment was the 5-Tejas aircraft lead by Air Cmdr Rohit Verma of NFTC at 10.43 am. Then came three Su-30 MKs displaying the Thrishul formation.
Ecveryone raised their hands when the 9-member Suriyakiran team scribbled IAF in skies using the tri-colour smoke. There was excitement all-around and even some were seen struggling look 90 degrees up owing to stiff-neck! A.R. Rahman's Vande Mataram was played out in the background. The Suriyakiran's started with the Delta formation flying with the Tricolor trailing from behind. Next was the Barrel role done at 550 kmph. Then was the 9-aircrfat Bomb-burst -- Sasrang's signature manouvere. Grp  Capt Suneet Krishnan then came with a Tejas to perform some stunning aeorbatic display. Then Sarangs...Then the Unni-Hari combo entered with the LCH presenting some mesmerising moments.
More updates soon...