
Thursday, April 19, 2012

Breaking on Tarmak007: We have done it: Saraswat; Technologies proven: Avinash; Very proud: Antony

"We have done it. Everything as we planned. Super hit," DRDO chief V K Saraswat tells Tarmak007 moments after the Agni-V hit the target. "Very proud of my team. Thank you India for the support," Saraswat told Tarmak007, amid sounds of screaming and huge cheer.
Sources say that the missile hit the target  area (designated area) around 8.26 am. These are early inputs.
"The missile has met all the mission objectives. All stages exactly performed the way we wanted. The technologies have been proven. Mission objectives on the dot," Avinash Chander, DRDO CC (R&D), told Tarmak007.

Update -- 9.30 am: Antony pats DRDO

Defence Minister A K Antony spoke to DRDO Chief VK Saraswat and Project Director Avinash Chander and congratulated them for the immaculate success of Agni-V. Antony described today’s development as a major milestone in the country’s missile programme and said the nation is indeed proud of its defence scientists. Antony also recalled the untiring contributions of former DRDO scientists. (MoD Spokesperson Sitanshu Kar on FB.)